Home How To/GuidesAndroid How to Find WhatsApp Folder in Android 11?

How to Find WhatsApp Folder in Android 11?

by Ahsan MuGhaL
2 minutes read
How to Find WhatsApp Folder in Android 11

How to Find WhatsApp Folder in Android 11. In this article, we are discussing the WhatsApp folder that will disappear after the Android 11 rollout on SmartPhones. Nowadays everyone one facing this problem after upgrading their mobile phone from Android 10 to Android 11 and Android 12.

WhatsApp is not the only dynamic instant messenger, but it is by far the most popular, particularly among Android users. Users can share their location, record audio messages, and, of course, transfer photographs and documents in a variety of formats in addition to chat, video, and phone conversations. But where is your WhatsApp folder, and where are all the things you receive kept on your device? See the guide below to see where you can go.

WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business Folder disappear from the file manager. After deep research from our experts, they found a solution for you. This method works on all Android 11 smartphone companies (Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, Realme, Redmi, Mi, Vivo, Infinix, Tecno, Poco, Oneplus, Asus, etc). Follow the steps below.  Where are the WhatsApp files on Android 11?

However, on Android 11, things are a little different. The Android folder is where Android now saves data from 3rd apps in one place. Regardless, all of the photos and videos you get will be stored in Galery. Other items, such as PDF documents and voice recordings, will require a file manager. The same can be said for the photos and videos you’ve supplied. The file path for WhatsApp chat on Android 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.

How to Find WhatsApp Folder in Android 11

  1. Open File Manager on your Android Smartphone.
  2. Go to the Android Folder
  3. Now tap on Media.
  4. Open com.WhatsApp
  5. Select WhatsApp Folder
  6. Tap on the Media Folder
  7. That’s it. Done 🙂

WhatsApp Folder in Android 11

WhatsApp Folder in Android 11

How to Find WhatsApp Business Folder in Android 11

  1. Open File Manager on your Android Smartphone.
  2. Go to the Android Folder
  3. Now tap on Media.
  4. Open com.WhatsApp.w4b
  5. Select WhatsApp Business Folder
  6. Tap on the Media Folder
  7. That’s it. Done 🙂

WhatsApp Business Files in Android 11

WhatsApp Business Folder in Android 11

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Dipali Sargar 2023-01-04 - 11:07 AM

All the data lost even navigated to path ..i couldn’t find my WhatsApp images videos and documents

Friedenspanz3r 2021-10-12 - 8:14 PM

my com.whatsapp folder is empty, no file found. Any idea how to fix this?

Ahsan MuGhaL 2022-01-06 - 12:11 PM

Kindly read the given solution in the article.


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